Economic Value of Shellfish Farming in Washington

The economy of the Pacific Northwest is fueled by its natural resources and ability to trade. The shellfish industry is very important to the economy in Western Washington communities. Washington’s shellfish production is far greater than the other shellfish farming areas in the United States. In 2000 it was estimated that Washington produced about $77 million dollars in sales.

Shellfish Harvesting Closed

            Washington brings in a lot of revenue from shellfish, tourist attractions and its beautiful landscape. However, the condition of the shoreline affects this revenue. Shellfish farming requires unpolluted water and also contributes to filtering the water. Shellfish are important to the ecosystem’s diversity and function. Pollution by humans can cause not only environmental harm in this case, but also economic harm. If shorelines become polluted, people are not going to want to visit, and shellfish will no longer be able to be farmed.

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