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May 2014

Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is the term used to describe the decrease in saturation of carbonate ions in the ocean. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide, from the human combustion of fossil fuels, dissolves in the ocean. Chemical reactions occur that decrease the pH of the ocean and concentration of carbonate ions. Carbon dioxide …

What is a bivalve?

A bivalve is a type of mollusk with a two-halved shell. Though they look different, all of the species we are concerned with fall into the bivalve category. In fact, there are well over 10,000 species of bivalves, occurring in a variety of extreme habitats. In addition to their shells, they …

Ecosystem Function

The term ecosystem function describes processes that occur within the ecosystem regarding a certain resource and the ways in which organisms interact. The ecosystem function of oysters coincides with many of the common and efficient aquaculture practices. For example, oyster species naturally occur in high population densities for structure formation …